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Wild Animal Sighting

Writer's picture: Glens CommunityGlens Community

Reported by a resident:

Behind Grenfell, on Saturday afternoon, large brown coyote seen;

coming on NCC property, heading slowly eastwards;

beware pets & children/elderly.



Mar 23, 2019

Yesterday we had a huge turkey eating seed under our bird feeder. Early in the week I watched a coyote meander along in the field. We are so lucky to back onto the greenbelt. We who have lived in the Glens for many years enjoy seeing foxes, coyotes, deer, wild turkeys, owls and many other wild animals. Remember the birds are wild too.

We love to see hawks, cardinals, juncos, goldfinch and other finches. Have you seen and heard the pileated woodpeckers that are here every year?

We have always lived near these animals and we appreciate them. We are careful but we do not fear them. Reports about these animals are great but alarms are unnecessary.

Taking care is…


Mar 13, 2019

Sorry, I meant "keep your pets and small kids in after dusk" and not dawn...

Joe Z


Mar 13, 2019

We live at the far west end of Pineglen Cr. just across from the entrance to the NCC pathway. A couple of nights ago around 11:30 p..m. we spotted a coyote as it crossed our front yard onto the street. As we followed its meanderings, within seconds at least four others joined it. I should say that it's not unusual to see coyotes in this area, but I've not seen this many here before. So this is just a heads-up to our neighbors to keep your pets and small kids in after dawn especially with packs roaming about. If you do walk your dog in this part of Pineglen at night, I'd recommend that you carry a flashlight and a…

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